Staying healthy should be given importance by young and adults alike. The moment an illness strikes any member of the family, it can pose great financial, psychological and emotional problems that can be a continuous burden throughout the years.
However, despite one’s effort to stay away from the hospital, one’s genetic composition can be a culprit to one’s health. There are those who suffer from diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and heart ailment among others because it is in the family’s medical history.
The presence of a pre-existing illness is a frustrating situation considering that most standard health insurance companies decline millions of clients who are not generally fit and healthy.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) stipulates that health insurance carriers may or may not cover preexisting conditions. The same legislation defines preexisting conditions as a physical or mental condition for which medical advice diagnosis care or treatment was recommended or received within a six month period ending on the enrollment date.
Thus, insurance companies can exclude people who previously have had insurance coverage. The insurers can also exclude people who have been without coverage for 63 days.
Also, the acceptance by the applicant to the health insurance policy does not guarantee that full coverage is granted right away and any hospitalization is covered. Normally, the insured has to endure an exclusion period of 12 months maximum following enrollment.
However, all these stipulations that limit the coverage of individuals with pre-existing illness have a solution with the guaranteed issue health plan.
This health insurance can be considered as a health plan of last resort but it is probably the best solution on the market. Even those who suffer from stroke, liver disease, AIDS, pregnancy, depression and kidney disease are not disqualified.
One of the big advantages of being with this plan is that you are able to take advantage of the PPO network re-pricing in which members enjoy big savings. Other than that, you can easily join regardless of your economic status as there are packages that are suitable to your budget.
This type of health plan does not require you for a clean bill of health prior to membership. You do not even have to worry about your age or that you are indulging in high-risk tasks or work. Even those who want to quit their job or retire are covered. You can even choose your medical provider and the plan pays regardless of any other insurance coverage for as long as you have enrolled under a guaranteed issue health plan.
The ideal candidates for this are those individuals who find they cannot qualify for or afford other health care plans. For those who are worried of the excessive fees, this plan offers a wide range of premiums depending upon the type of plan selected and if the coverage will be for an individual, a couple or for the entire family. After all, this is generally for someone who cannot obtain traditional health insurance due to medical reasons or wants coverage for the pre-existing conditions.
Our services can provide quality health insurance, at affordable prices. Fill out the form above and you'll be instantly connected with one local, licensed insurance agent, representing all major insurers who will explain all your options.
Acceptance is guaranteed. Benefits include doctor visits, hospital stays, prescriptions, surgery, blood tests, x-rays, emergency room services and much more. Even if you already have health insurance, our services can lower your monthly premium and increase coverage. Get a free health insurance quote today so you can begin enjoying hassle-free health benefits and financial security.