What real financial benefits can the uninsured worker really expect from limited benefit health plans, which are quite simply the lowest cost health plans available in America today?
Over the past few years more uninsured Americans with lower incomes, and small employers trying to offer some form of health care coverage to their employees, have turned to limited benefit health plans to provide an solution. Such plans are no replacement for major medical plans, but they do offer great relief for the uninsured.
The premiums for a limited benefits insurance plan are very low, which is the reason for their great appeal. These plans do usually cover the same basic components of any health insurance plan - doctor's office visits, diagnostic tests, hospitalization and preventative care.
Many do have a cap on the total dollar amount that they will cover in a calendar year, and do not provide coverage for catastrophic care.
But given that the alternative is for the patient to pay all their medical expenses themselves, which is very expensive, limited benefit health plans offer the uninsured a helping hand that can prove invaluable.
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