Obtaining health insurance is a huge problem for many Americans. Approximately 16 percent of all Americans are now living without health insurance. That's 50 million people whose lives and financial security are in constant potential danger.
It gets even harder if you have a pre-existing condition, often resulting in the rejection of applications, and the impossibility of much needed health coverage. Millions of uninsured individuals are facing serious without the means of adequate coverage and medical attention.
A pre-existing condition is any injury or sickness for which diagnosis has been made, treatment has been recommended, treatment has been rendered, or expenses have been acquired within a set amount of months prior to the effective date of coverage. It includes any condition manifesting itself in symptoms, which would cause a prudent person to seek medical advice.
Waiting to get sick before investing in medical insurance is a huge problem because of the pre-existing condition exclusion period imposed by health insurance companies. Under the pre-existing condition exclusive period, the insurer will deny the claims pertaining to a medical problem for a certain period of time if the insured has a medical problem that existed at the time of the purchase of insurance.
There are a few alternative options, including health insurance from catastrophic private health insurers. This won't cover doctor visits, but will help with hospital bills and the more major expenses.
Another option is joining a state insurance fund for those who are unable to obtain private coverage. While the coverage is not as extensive as that of a private carrier, it will provide the insured with some catastrophic type coverage and give an option until the insured is able to find private coverage. This fund is separate from the Medicaid program so everyone should qualify for it. Information and more details can be availed from the Insurance Commissioner's Office in your area.
It's also a good idea to become affiliated with a group that offers its members medical insurance. For instance, the Foundation of Real Estate Appraisers (FREA) offers group insurance for all of its members. Real Estate agents have similar organizations available. In addition, many professions have related clubs and organizations that offer health insurance. (Members of these groups are all considered health insurance leads.)
If you're unable find such a group related to either yours or your husband's occupation, consider starting up a small business like Mary Kay, Avon, Tupperware. Anything that will allow you to apply to organizations for small business owners. Most of these organizations offer group health plans. As long as you try to obtain health insurance through a group plan, it is unlikely you will be denied. Most group plans are set up so that members cannot be denied upon initial enrollment.
Local county hospitals also have a program based on customer income in order to help those who fall between the income bracket, those who either have too much money to qualify for health insurance, or don't not enough. The quality of care at county hospitals is usually excellent. This is a federally funded program all over the country.
Contacting a Family Health Benefits counselor at a local county agency can also help. They provide information, referral counseling and advocacy for families in order to obtain health care financing through public and federal programs. Some states also have a risk insurance plan, which will accept those who have been denied insurance for reasons of pre-existing conditions or high-risk patients. Medical centers also have a patient assistance program to help with the cost of medical bills. They can either take a percentage as payment in full or perhaps write off the entire bill if you are indigent.
Our services can provide quality health insurance. Fill out the form above and you'll be instantly contacted by one local, licensed insurance agent, representing all the major insurers who will explain all your health insurance options.
Acceptance is guaranteed despite the existence of pre-existing conditions. Benefits include doctor visits, hospital stays, prescriptions, surgery, blood tests, x-rays, emergency room services and much more. Even if you already have health insurance, our services can lower your monthly premium and increase coverage. Get a free health insurance quote today so you can begin enjoying hassle-free health benefits and financial security.