Guaranteed Health Insurance Comparisons


An FAQ about Insurance Coverage

Many people have various kinds of insurance coverage, but they don’t truly understand their policies. This can result in great confusion should they ever need to make a claim. It’s important that you have a good understanding of your policies and what they will offer. Below are questions you may have about health insurance and about Health Insurance Guaranteed.

What Is Health Insurance Guaranteed?

"Health Insurance Guaranteed is a team of professional licensed insurance agents. We serve as your health insurance consultants and will help you find the entire health insurance package" (Health Insurance Guaranteed).

How Many Different Carriers Do You Work With?
We have a network of more than 40 different carriers. This way, you can choose to work with the company that suits you best.

Do I Really Need Health Insurance?

A single visit to the emergency room can add up to tens of thousands of dollars in bills. If you have to spend the night, this could triple. Even a standard doctor’s visit can cost hundreds of dollars. If you don’t have health insurance, you will either have to forgo visiting the doctor for healthcare and risk your wellbeing or you can pay very expensive bills that could bankrupt you.

Are There Different Types of Health Insurance Available?

Yes. There are numerous plans designed to work as supplemental coverage for the policies you already have as well as full individual health insurance coverage depending on what you need. You also have options for add-on policies, dental insurance, and more.

If you know more about your health insurance, you will better understand just what your policy covers so that you can use your benefits to the fullest extent.